Integration by Parts

Psychotherapy for Scientists, Technologists, Engineers, and Mathematicians

Telehealth in Massachusetts



Mail to
Integration by Parts
1770 Mass Ave, Suite 135
Cambridge, MA 02140

Vanessa Layne, MEd, LMHC


Secure Text | Email | Secure Email | Phone and Fax | Mail

Secure Text (Signal)

I use Signal Private Messenger for secure texting (SMS). Signal me at this link.

The best way to get a hold of me is via Signal. Signal Private Messenger is a free app available for Android and iPhone/iPad that provides fully encrypted communications. Get Signal here.

Signal works like any texting app, and also supports calls. If you prefer voice communication, you can use it to send me a voice recording message by clicking the microphone icon in the message bar.

Please note, due to the nature of my work and the shape of my workday, I am not generally available on demand for synchronous communcation. I try to return contacts within 24 hours.

Once you have Signal, you can click this link to open a chat with me: my signal link.


I support both conventional (plaintext) email and secure (encrypted) email. While there are obvious advantages of confidentiality and privacy in using a secure email system, my clients and I have discovered there are a number of mental health conditions that can make having an additional inbox you have to monitor for replies extremely taxing, and that makes managing a new encrypted mail account in addition to one's regular old email difficult to impossible. So I support the old-fashioned kind of ordinary, insecure email, too.

Conventional email: I can be emailed at

Please note, communications sent by conventional email are not secure or private. Email is not an appropriate channel for confidential information. Email is best used for discussing logistical concerns like scheduling.

If you email me and don't hear back within four days (56 hours), please make sure to check your spam filter or junkmail folder to see if my reply got misfiled. This is not uncommon, especially with GMail.

Email chain of custody: Email sent to that address is received by the SMTP server of the hosting company I use for (server is located in New Jersey), and then forwarded to the SMTP server of a different company where I have a shell account (server is located in Canada). I handle all email at the command line in a shell account, on a commercial shared hosting server, via SSH (no users are permitted telnet or other unencrypted protocols).

Secure Email (ProtonMail and PGP)

I can be reached securely and privately through a fully encrypted system. It is hosted by ProtonMail and supports PGP.

There are two ways to reach me securely:

Phone and Fax

My main business phone number is 617-299-1611. It is a Google Voice number which forwards to my personal cell phone and sends me email alerting me to missed calls, voicemails, and text messages. Please note that text messages sent to this number, and the phone numbers of callers to this number, are transmitted in across the internet in emails, in the clear.

My fax number is 617-876-0192. It is an SFax number; SFax is a cloud-based fax service from, which claims to be encrypted and HIPAA compliant, and has issued me a BAA in compliance with HIPAA. Please note that when I am faxed at this number, I am emailed a notification in the clear that includes the sender's fax number.


Please address postal mail to:

Integration by Parts
1770 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 135
Cambridge, MA 02140

Alternatively, parcels addressed to Integration by Parts may be hand-delivered to the UPS Store at 1770 Massachusetts Avenue, and they will deliver them to me.

Please do not send mail to the Roseland Street address, as the mailboxes there are not secure.